Nadine Wagner-Stuckart, owner of the dog school
Der kleine Wolf ®, successfully passed the test of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of the Stuttgart Region and was awarded the certificate of dog behavior therapist (IHK).
Certified dog school and physiotherapy
according to the guidelines of the Institute for Veterinary Medicine and the Professional Association for Animal Healers, Animal Physiotherapists and Animal Behavior Therapists.
Team / Qualifications
Nadine Wagner-Stuckart
- Certified dog physiotherapist ifT
- Certified dog behavior therapist (ifT/IHK)
- Member of the BVFT training council from 2010 to 31 January 2014
- Examiner for the BVFT certificate of competence
The following specialized courses have been completed:
Dog Behavior Therapy
- Anatomy / Physiology / Pathology of the dog
- Ethology of the dog
- Senses of the dog
- Expressive behavior
- Learning behavior
- Breeding / Husbandry / Nutrition
- Puppy rearing / puppy purchase / socialization
- Occupation with the dog
- Problem behavior in everyday life and education
- Structure of lessons individual lessons / group lessons
- Training plan
- Examination for dog license
- Home visits
- Consultations
- Complementary measures (acupressure / Bach flowers / massage techniques)
- Introduction to practice foundation and practice management
- Variety in the course hour
Speaker: Sabine Winkler - Target training
Speaker: Viviane Theby - Obedience
Instructor: Sabine Winkler - Excitation Control Basic
Instructor: Dr. Barbara Schöning - Puppies / Young dog behavior
Instructor: Christiane Wergowski - Social Learning
Speaker: Ádám Miklósi - Anti-hunting training
Speaker: Anja Fiedler - "First the course and then the dog"
Speaker: Reinhard Spies, expert of the German Kennel Club - Cooperation project of dog trainers, adult education centers (VHS) and animal shelters
- Dog sports from a physiotherapeutic point of view
Speaker: Stefanie Süße-Klintzsch - AntiPoison Bait Workshop
Speaker: Angelika Augustin - Reinforcement and associated emotions
Speaker: Nicole Pfaller-Sadovsky - Emotions and personality
Speaker: Dr. Immanuel Birmelin - Presentation of a study on micromimic
Speaker: Dr. Juliane Kaminski - Overview on the latest scientific knowledge on emotions and cognition with regard to animal training
Speaker Helena Telkhänranta - Introduction into the concept of EMRA including explanation of rationale and differences between EMRA and traditional diagnostic approach to behavior therapy - Speaker Prof. Peter Neville
- Emotional development of puppies including role of emotions in learning and their evaluation
Speaker: Prof. Peter Neville - The mirror at the other end of the leash. Mood transfer in the human-dog relationship
Speaker: Dr. Iris Schöberl
Dog physiotherapy
- Anatomy
- Pathology
- Growth and development disorders of the locomotor system
- Diseases of ligaments, tendons and muscles
- Muscle contractures
- Rupture of the ligaments of the knee joint
- Fractures
- Bone diseases
- Neurological diseases of the musculature
- Brainstem diseases
- Spinal diseases with neurological symptoms
- Infectious diseases
- Internal diseases
- Physiotherapeutic techniques
- Reflexes
- Physiotherapeutic and neurological findings
- Angle and length measurement
- Respiratory findings
- Massage techniques and physiotherapy
- Acupuncture
- Magnetic field